A creative problem-solver driven by data.

Rooted in science & technology.

Shaped by agriculture.

Equipped for business.


About Andrew

Rooted in Science & Technology.
Andrew's strong foundation in the hard sciences translates into a methodical and rigorously objective approach to every endeavor. His relentless pursuit of data-driven insight is combined with a passion for exploring software and hardware solutions; forming a core capacity to adapt.

Shaped by Agriculture.
Through UW-Madison's deep connections to the agricultural community, Andrew found a suitable arena for his professional growth. Modern agriculture's demand for rapidly deployable, cross-domain solutions instilled in Andrew a formidable work ethic and a core capacity to operationalize insight.

Equipped for Business.
Andrew's passion for extracting valuable insights naturally led to a fascination with capital markets and business strategy. The unique Science & Business Management Masters at Utrecht University has formalized this interest and furthered his capacity to serve others in a commercializable way.

Download Andrew's CV

Experience Map

Click here for an interactive view of Andrew's experience

Tech Skills

Python, R, Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Office Suite, Arduino, Keras API for machine learning, ImageJ, and this website.

Education & Licenses

Utrecht University
MSc Science & Business Management
University of Wisconsin - Madison
BSc Plant Pathology
Class of 2014
Certified Crop Advisor - Wisconsin
Resistance Management Specialty
American Society of Agronomy
2016-2020 (expired)
Remote Pilot License
United States FAA
2017-2019 (expired)
Clemson University
Nematode Identification
December 2016

Professional Roles

WildEye Ag LLC
Independant Consultant
Heartland Farms Inc
Assistant Farm Manager
Allied Cooperative: Pest Pros Division
Crop Consultant
Gumz Muck Farms
Summer 2013
UW-Madison Plant Disease Diagnostics Clinic



+31 6 27 55 23 63
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+31 6 27 55 23 63
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